Akash Bajpai

Here you can find just a few of the many exciting coding project's I've been apart of both inside and outside the classroom

Machine Learning With Piazza

This project was part of my EECS 280 coursework. Using the NLP Bag of Words model, this program created a classifier to determine which thread and/or subject-matter posts on the educational platform Piazza would fall under. The classifer created was a simplified version of the “Multi-Variate Bernoulli Naive Bayes Classifier”.


This project was part of my EECS 281 coursework. By creating a simpler version of SQL, this program worked to solidify understanding of data structures and tune optimization skills. SillyQL was able to CREATE, INSERT, JOIN, REMOVE, PRINT, and GENERATE INDEX. Through the generate index function, this program explores hash tables.

InfoGeo Web

This project was part of my sophomore Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP). I worked in the M3 Lab at U of M one academic year, in which i designed and created the front-end for the website InfoGeo (not yet deployed), a website that will host the Lab's reserach and other educational resources for those interested in learning more about the subject of Information Geometry

Drone Delivery

This project was part of my EECS 281 coursework. In order to explore different algorithms, this program takes in a delivery route for remote controlled drones to deliver around campus and returns an optimized delivery route for the drone depending on that drone's specifications. This program uses minimum spanning trees, a knapsack algorithm, and a traveling salesperson algorithm.